Bytes 🌐 😈💥
My name is Akiri Hoshi!
Codename: BytesA rebellious cyber demon, clad in sleek techwear, emboding a dangerously playful spirit. Impetuous and quick-witted, delighted in pushing boundaries, teetering on mischief before lending a helping hand at the last moment. An undeniably tough adversary, thriving in unexpected challenges.I also roam the worlds researching and studying monsters! I may or may not get severely distracted by shinies.Nickname: Kiri REEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeee
Age: Classified
Gender: She, Her, they, them-Loves FOOD
-Plays almost everything! (a lot of variety)
-enjoys horror games
-enjoys monsters of all types (but -mostly / not limited to dragons and werewolves)
-sometimes makes art
-loves their partner! Velptumon the lil fox!
Design: Matsushima_QwQ
L2D OG: Matsushima_QwQ
L2D OG Rig: MiyoUmeharaL2D 1.5: xenvita
L2D 1.5 Rig: Tolko GestaltChibi Model: Hana
Chibi Rig: ChiNargacuga Rider Art: snek_snack
Doodle Art: Merpperoni
Logo: [Aether]
